Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Saturday, April 29, 2006

Day 71 - To Lincolnshire!

MILLIE'S iron levels have slightly improved.

This indicates that the iron drops are having some effect.

It will be a few weeks before her iron has recovered.

But for the moment she does not need a blood transfusion.

This means daddy believes Millie is well enough to make her first trip to see the family in Lincolnshire.

If all goes well, she will stay for two days.

But everyone could be in for a sleepless time as Millie has had few restless nights this week due to colic.

So as well as gripe water, she is taking one of daddy's chocolate cakes as a present to say sorry in advance for keeping everybody awake.

Millie is also taking some herbs as presents for her aunties, uncles and cousins.

These have been grown from the seeds her daddy specially planted on Mother's Day when Millie was in hospital.

There should be lots of photos from the Lincolnshire visit and some of these will be posted here on our return.

While at the hospital yesterday (Friday), Millie had her first proper eye test.

This involved a rather brutal procedure.

Millie's eye-lids were held open with metal clamps before the doctor put in some drops to dilate her pupils and then took some measurements.

Millie passed the test with flying colours.

But mummy described the whole episode as 'hideous' and the most distressing yet of anything her daughter has been through.

It's funny how some medical procedures - such as ultra-sound scans - seem so advanced while others seem positively Victorian and antiquated.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Day 68 - Another health visit

THE health visitor visited Millie for the second time today.

She seemed reasonably pleased with Millie's progress.

In her report, the health visitor wrote: "Looked fair, good cry heard."

Mummy and daddy can attest to this because Millie certainly can make a lot of noise when she wants to.

She is breast-feeding well, and being offered a bottle of breast milk after each feed to make sure she is full.

While she was here, the health visitor put Millie on the scales.

She weighs 2.460kg (5lbs 6 3/4 ounces).

This represents an increase of about 30 grammes (an ounce or so) each day she has been home.

Although not exactly piling on the weight, it is still good progress.

Millie has had one or two restless nights, but nothing out of the ordinary.

She enjoys looking around and is gradually spending more time with her eyes open.

On Friday (28 April) we will all go to the hospital again for Millie's second weekly check-up.

This is largely routine, with an emphasis on checking the iron levels in her blood.

The next update will be after this check-up.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Saturday, April 22, 2006

Day 64 - Millie's chocolate cake

DADDY has made one of his famous chocolate cakes.

It's to celebrate Millie coming out of hospital.

He is offering a slice to anyone who comes to the house.

You can make one too.

The secret is in the chocolate.

Try to use chocolate with the highest cocoa content you can find - 70% cocoa is good, 86% cocoa is even better.

You will need:

  • 11 ounces (300 grammes) dark chocolate
  • 10 ounces (280 grammes) castor sugar
  • 6 ounces (170 grammes) unsalted butter
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • 5 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons ground almonds
  • Icing sugar to dust

    Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 (180 degrees C).

  • Brush the removable base from an 8 inch cake tin with a little melted butter and sprinkle half the ground almonds on top.

    Break up the chocolate and melt in a bowl over a saucepan of hot water.

    Add the butter and sugar.

    Whisk the eggs with the rest of the almonds and fold into the mixture.

    Keep folding until the mixture thickens.

    Pour the mixture into the cake tin.

    Bake for 35-40 minutes.

    Once baked, leave the cake to cool and then dust with icing sugar.

    Try not to eat in one sitting!

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Friday, April 21, 2006

    Day 63 - Hospital check-up

    MILLIE had her check-up today.

    The doctor seemed quite pleased with her progress.

    She has gained another 65 grammes and now weighs 2.325kg (5lbs 2 ounces).

    Millie's iron levels are low again, but at this stage the hospital says a blood transfusion is unnecessary.

    Instead, the doctor prescribed some iron drops.

    The iron is low because it never really recovered from the level it fell to when Millie was poorly and not being fed.

    The drops could take up to six weeks to work.

    But once the iron levels have risen they will hopefully not fall again.

    In the meantime, Millie will have another check-up at the hospital next Friday (28 April).

    This afternoon, Linda came to visit on her way to Norwich from France.

    Mummy and daddy and Millie picked her up from the airport.

    Linda and Millie had their first cuddle together.

    While they chatted, daddy baked one of his famous chocolate cakes.

    Then everyone had a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Except Millie who had milk.

    Daddy will reveal the cake recipe in the next Millie's Milestones.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Day 62 - First family portrait

    TIME for an update before everyone thinks we're slacking.

    The health visitor came to see Millie yesterday (Wednesday).

    She gave us a few tips (sleep more, worry less), flicked through Millie's health records, and gave a general thumbs up.

    Then she decided to weigh Millie.

    We were pleased to see she has put on 100 grammes in the two days since arriving home.

    Millie tipped the scales at 2.260kg (4lbs 15 1/2 ounces) which shows she must be drinking some milk even though a lot of it dribbles down her chin.

    At lunchtime, Grandad France popped in for a visit and ended up taking what is the first family portrait.

    Hopefully, daddy will soon learn how to hold his daughter properly so she can see the camera.

    The big milestone today was an expedition by mummy and Millie who had their first walk together outside.

    They took the "travel system" to post some letters in the village for daddy.

    Walks are limited at the moment because we have been told to keep Millie out of crowded places for at least two weeks.

    This is mainly because she is still vulnerable to infections and stress.

    But Daddy thinks it is an Extra Good Idea because it should also make it harder for mummy to spend so much money in Tescos.

    So all in all, things are going well.

    We have to go to the hospital for Millie's first check-up tomorrow (Friday).

    The doctors will measure her iron levels and see how she is doing.

    We think the verdict will be good, although she might need a top-up blood transfusion if she is anaemic again.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    Day 60 - First day at home

    WELL, we have survived our first day at home with Millie unscathed.

    She seems to be settling in and seems to be enjoying herself.

    Mummy and daddy have a few minor worries, but these are most likely due to never having experienced anything like this before.

    They mainly revolve around things like is she too hot or too cold? Is she still breathing? How much breast milk has she has had?

    Over the coming days, we know we will stop checking Millie every five minutes. Or at least we certainly hope we will.

    Not having the immediate safety-net of the staff at the Special Care Baby Unit can be a little daunting at times.

    But although being on our own as a family will take some getting used to, neither mummy nor daddy miss the daily drive to the hospital.

    We would like to thank everyone for the messages we have received since welcoming Millie home.

    We can't reply directly to comments on the site as it doesn't tell us your email addresses, but a Big Thankyou to everyone.

    We will continue to update Millie's Milestones - for the time being at least.

    The next milestone will be a visit from the health visitor on Wednesday (19 April) and a check-up at the hospital on Friday (21 April).

    We've no pictures today, but daddy will try to remember to take some tomorrow once we've all settled down properly.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Monday, April 17, 2006

    Day 59 - Home at last!

    MILLIE came home at 9.30am today (Monday, 17 April).

    Mummy and daddy had stayed overnight at the hospital.

    Apparently Millie makes snuffling noises during her sleep.

    Daddy didn't hear any of these because he was fast asleep.

    Except when mummy put the Big Light on to feed Millie during the night.

    In the morning, we all got up early and waited for what seemed like ages before the doctor discharged Millie.

    It's really good to be home, but it was sad to say goodbye to all the doctors and nurses who have looked after Millie so well.

    We would like to thank them so much for helping us get our baby daughter home safe and sound.

    Millie travelled in style, snuggly fitted into her car seat.

    Daddy wore his special pink shirt and drove carefully, arriving at Tiptree at 10am.

    Yesterday, he put up all the cards we received from friends and family when Millie was born on 18 February.

    We will have to go back to the hospital this Friday for a routine check-up.

    But things are looking good so far.

    Millie is drinking more breast milk than ever.

    She put on 38 grammes over the last 24 hours and now weighs 2.168kg (4lb 12 1/2oz).

    Soon she will be bigger than Harry the cat who doesn't really know what to make of his new baby sister.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Sunday, April 16, 2006

    Days 57/58 - Ready for home

    MILLIE is to be allowed home.

    This is very good news indeed and has led to a flurry of activity.

    On Saturday (15 April), she had some vaccinations.

    These are the regular vaccinations against various diseases that full-term babies have once they are six weeks old.

    On Sunday (16 April), mummy and daddy will sleep in a special room at the hospital with Millie in a cot beside them.

    This is so parents can experience the unusual noises that pre-term babies make during the night.

    Apparently, we should expect lots of snuffling sounds - a bit like having a hedgehog in the room.

    It will also give us a chance to spend our first night with Millie safe in the knowledge there is a team of medical experts just around the corner.

    On Monday morning, the doctors and nurses will give Millie a final check before she is allowed home around lunch time.

    In preparation, Daddy has transformed the collection of wheels and twisted metal that arrived from Mamas and Papas into something called a "travel system".

    A travel system is a clever way of persuading new parents to buy four things when really they only need one or two.

    It's really just a car-seat that converts into a carry-cot and a push-chair and a pram.

    Considering the money it cost, daddy is surprising that it doesn't sing, dance and do the dishes too.

    Bringing Millie home will be very exciting, but also quite scary as mummy and daddy will be very much on their own with her for the first time.

    If we need any advice, we will be able to call the Special Care Baby Unit.

    Millie will have to return to hospital for regular check-ups. The first will be in two weeks. There will then be further checks throughout her first year.

    Now, where is that pink shirt and chocolate cake recipe...?

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Friday, April 14, 2006

    Day 56 - A Very Good Friday

    MILLIE is looking really good.

    She is now feeding on 100% breast milk - direct from the breast and from the bottle.

    Millie receives 41mls of milk from the bottle every three hours.

    This is supplemented with as much breast milk as she can drink.

    Her feeding tube has been taken out of her nose as she no longer needs it.

    Millie is awake much now and looks around for her mummy.

    Since coming out of the incubator and off the nutrients, she has lost a little weight. At the moment, Millie weighs 2.130kg (4lbs 11oz).

    She lost 26 grammes (about an ounce) on Wednesday (12 April), a further 20g yesterday and another 10g today.

    But this is to be expected as she adjusts her new diet.

    Her daily weight loss is declining and soon she will be gaining again.

    Millie is now the nearest she has ever been to coming home.

    If all goes well, it won't be long before she can leave the Special Care Baby Unit and say goodbye to the hospital.

    She won't be home in time for Easter Sunday, but with a bit of luck it should be soon afterwards.
    • See below for more pictures of Millie which you can download and print.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, April 13, 2006

    Day 55 - A Millie montage...

    DADDY finally got his computer fixed - it cost him lots of pennies but he decided to celebrate by posting some pictures of Millie.

    These photos were taken on Thursday (13 April). You should be able to RIGHT CLICK on each of them to automatically download bigger versions.

    Each picture is full size at the best quality we have, so will be quicker to download if you have a faster broadband connection.

    Feel free to print out any of the pictures, following the steps at the bottom of this posting.

    Feeding time at the zoo...

    After which Millie gives one of her favourite looks

    Closely followed by this one...

    Which usually means she needs winding

    Although Millie likes it best when mummy does it
    (bigger version of this pic unavailable)

    Follow the following steps to print any of these photos:

    1) click on the relevant photo to download an enlarged version.

    2) Move the mouse so the cursor is over the picture.

    3) Once the cursor is over the picture, DO NOT click but wait for a few seconds until an orange box appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture.

    4) Move the cursor and click on the orange box. The picture will enlarge to its maximum size.

    5) Move the cursor so it is over the picture again.

    6) RIGHT CLICK over the photo and "save picture as" in your usual place.

    7) Print out the picture using your usual method, remembering the folder in which you saved the picture.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

    Day 54 - Computer problems

    No updates at the moment as daddy has computer problems.

    Millie is fine and doing well.

    But those computers.... Grrrrr......

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    Day 53 - Look mummy, no lines!

    MILLIE unexpectedly managed to pass quite a few milestones today.

    She was deemed well enough not to have her blood transfusion after all.

    She is no longer on nutrients through the drip and is being fed solely on breast milk.

    This follows a thorough review of her health by the consultants.

    It came after the drip line which feeds the nutrients into one of her veins blocked.

    The medical team tried to get another line into her but they couldn't manage to. Put simply, they ran out of veins.

    This prompted a reassessment of Millie's health by the consultants who decided she was well enough to go right back to basics.

    They took out all the lines, stopped the antibiotics - which she had virtually finished - and decided to feed her on milk.

    In other words, they are treating Millie as a full-term baby (she was due to be born on 25 April).

    Mummy and daddy are very pleased.

    Only yesterday they were thinking that milk would be the best way forwar once the last line blocked.

    At the same time, Millie has been moved out of her incubator and back into a cot.

    She is now in the Paddington Bear room - a half-way-house before the medium-dependency Winnie the Pooh room.

    This is real progress.

    It means Millie recovered well enough to be in the same position she was in before she became poorly on Day 33 (22 March).

    She has gained 56 grammes over the past 24 hours and now weighs 2.186kg (4lbs 13oz).

    Mummy and daddy left Millie this evening very happy. A few more days like today and it won't be long before she can come home.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Monday, April 10, 2006

    Day 52 - The balancing act

    Millie has spent the past 48 hours in a strange kind of limbo.

    She is holding her own, but is quiet for a number of reasons.

    The first is her bowel infection.

    Until completely better, Millie will have only small feeds of milk.

    The second reason is the Burn In The Foot episode.

    This left Millie unable to have any nutrients through the drip for almost 48 hours because she had no more veins left through which to put a cannula.

    Together, these two factors have had a number of effects.

    The nutrient imbalance - not enough milk and not enough drip - means Millie is retaining fluid and has become slightly puffy again.

    She has lost weight, although not seriously (about 14 grammes (1/2 ounce) in the last 24 hours).

    She is not getting enough protein either, which means she is anaemic again.

    To resolve this, Millie will have another blood transfusion on Tuesday (11 April).

    This will be the usual slow injection of blood over a period of a few hours.

    To overcome the nutrient imbalance, feeds of breast milk are being increased in volume and frequency.

    She is now being fed 9ml (almost two teaspoons) every two hours.

    The milk is being supplemented with nutrients through the drip which have been carefully resumed via a vein into her arm.

    We think it will take a couple of days or so before Millie levels out and starts progressing again.

    In amongst all of this frustration, however, she has picked up a new infection: an adenoviral infection in her bowel.

    You can read about adenovirus here.

    It is not as serious as the Necrotizing Enterocolitis Millie had three weeks ago, but she now has diarrhoea as well.

    Mummy and daddy feel ok, but the whole thing is getting rather tiring.

    So much so that daddy found himself humming Johnny Cash and Morrissey songs while he cuddled Millie this evening.

    Not the most cheerful of tunes, but she should have a good taste in music when she gets older.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Day 50 - An unwanted party hat

    MILLIE has had to contend with a very frustrating night.

    The nutrients that should be fed from the drip into her vein ended up in the wrong part of her body.

    These nutrients are very strong and concentrated, so it's important they go to the right place.

    Rather than going into a vein in Millie's foot, the nutrients leaked into the surrounding body tissue where they collected like a blister.

    They burned Millie under the skin, creating a blackened blotch which will hopefully fade over time.

    If her foot becomes infected, however, Millie might have to have some tissue removed.

    Part of the problem is that the nutrients should really be fed through a long-line into a vein deep inside Millie's body.

    But the long-line was taken out when she became poorly.

    Yet Millie still needs nutrients so they are fed through a cannula into a vein just below the skin.

    We don't know for how long the nutrients were seeping into the wrong place.

    It is the third time Millie has been burned like this.

    Early this morning (Saturday), the medical team took out the cannula from her foot and drained the nutrients from the burned area.

    They then inserted a new cannula into Millie's scalp. We hope they keep a close eye on this one.

    The nurses taped an upturned plastic beaker onto Millie's head to stop the cannula moving.

    It looks like a bizarre party hat, which might have been appropriate because today is daddy's birthday.

    But having his daughter home without any burns or scars would be a much better present.

    Millie looks rather grumpy - which is understandable given the circumstances.

    But she enjoyed five minutes on mummy's breast this morning.

    Mummy and daddy will both visit Millie in hospital later to see how she is progressing.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Friday, April 07, 2006

    Day 49 - Back on the breast

    MILLIE was breast-fed today for the first time since 22 March.

    The doctors are finally convinced she is well enough to have milk again.

    This is good news, although we don't want to push her too fast.

    Millie was allowed to feed for five minutes this afternoon, and then for ten minutes this evening.

    When mummy isn't at the hospital, Millie will be fed using the tube into her tummy. She will be started at a rate of 1ml every four hours.

    Having Millie back on proper milk feeds has made everyone happy, especially mummy.

    For now, feeds are supplemented with nutrients from the drip.

    But the milk already seems to be doing some good.

    As expected, Millie lost 30 grammes over the past 24 hours.

    This was mainly fluid which she had been retaining and had caused her to become slightly puffy again.

    She now weighs a healthy 2.074 (4lbs 9oz).

    Daddy thinks Millie looks better than at any time over the past three weeks.

    When he visited hospital this evening, he had a long cuddle.

    Millie was awake and alert, a nice pink colour and looked around before falling asleep and going back in her incubator.

    We're crossing our fingers that the bowel infection will not return, and Millie will be allowed home soon.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Day 48 - Millie's medical

    THE doctors have given Millie another medical, which she passed with flying colours.

    They still haven't fed her any milk but wanted to check everything was right before doing so.

    The main reason for not feeding her milk has been because Millie is still returning a little bit of bile when they aspirate her.

    This is the process by which the nurses use a syringe to suck out anything that might be in her tummy through the feeding tube.

    Millie has also been rather pale, a little puffy and sleepy.

    But all the test results which came back were normal, so the doctors might start feeding her on Friday (7 April).

    However, they have been saying they "expect to feed her tomorrow" for days, so it remains to be seen when it finally happens.

    The other big news is that Millie has completed the triple course of antibiotics for her bowel infection.

    She now has just one course of antibiotics to complete, for her blood infection. This course will finish next Friday (14 April).

    Her weight continues to increase, as she is being fed through the tube into her nose.

    On Wednesday (5 April), she put on 25 grammes.

    She put on a further 79 grammes today (Thursday), although some of this is likely to be the fluid retention which has made her a little puffy.

    However, her overall weight is now 2.104kg - or 4lbs 10 ounces.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Day 46 - A short update

    JUST a short update as daddy has to go to Plymouth for a conference.

    Millie is doing fine today (Tuesday).

    Her bile has almost returned to normal so the doctors expect to start feeding her milk again on Wednesday (5 April).

    She has gained 15 grammes in the past 24 hours and now weighs 1.995kg (just over 4lbs 6 ounces).

    Thanks for all the messages - we enjoy reading them as much as we hope you enjoy reading this.

    It's likely that our next update here will be Thursday 6 April.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Monday, April 03, 2006

    Day 45 - Let sleeping babies lie

    THE doctors have stopped feeding milk to Millie.

    She had a very small amount of bile when they checked her this afternoon and it was a slight yellow-green colour.

    This indicates that her tummy might still be poorly.

    Mummy is worried, but daddy would like to reiterate that it was an extemely small amount of bile.

    Nevertheless, we aren't sure how long it will be before Millie is fed milk again. It might be a few hours or days - we forgot to ask.

    But when daddy visited the hospital this evening, he thought Millie looked back to her old self.

    She was sleeping, and looked very snuggly.

    Daddy didn't get a cuddle because he didn't want to wake her. But he did take a couple of photos.

    At times like this, it's best to let sleeping babies lie.

    Millie makes lots of noise when awake because the small amount of milk was not enough to fill her up.

    For the time being, she will have to go hungry and rely on the drip for nutrients so she continues to grow.

    Millie gained 20 grammes over the past 24 hours and now weighs 1.980kg (4lbs 6 ounces).

    We hope to find out on Tuesday (4 April) when the doctors will try feeding more milk.

    Maybe today's bile was a blip and they will restart the milk soon.

    The other option is buying some earplugs and waiting a few more days.

    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Sunday, April 02, 2006

    Days 43 & 44 - Milk monitors

    MILLIE is being slowly allowed to have milk again.

    She began with 1ml every four hours late on Saturday (1 April).

    When mummy arrived on Sunday, Millie was being fed 5ml (a teaspoon) every four hours.

    This will continue until Wednesday (5 April) - a fortnight since Millie first became poorly.

    During this time, she is being monitored closely to make sure her tummy can cope. If it cannot, the doctors will stop her milk.

    Millie seems almost back to her normal self, but she gets very upset not being fed more milk more frequently.

    The doctors hope she will go back on mummy's breast after Tuesday.

    Mummy can't wait, because it has been hard to stop feeding Millie who is so obviously hungry.

    Millie still needs to be fed on a drip until she can tolerate full feeds of milk.

    But she still has no long-line because of the blood infection.

    Because of this, the drip is fed into her veins just below the skin.

    This is not ideal, because the feed is concentrated and will burn her skin from the inside if not flushed through thoroughly.

    Millie has two of these burn marks - one on her left leg and one on her right wrist.

    To reduce the chance of this happening, the doctors change the canulas regularly, but Millie has had so many that they are running out of new sites.

    As she kicks so strongly, mummy has had to put blankets around her so Millie can't bash the canulas against the inside of the incubator.

    She is, however, putting on weight.

    She gained 45 grammes (almost two ounces) over the weekend and now weighs about 1.960kg (4lbs 5 ounces).