Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Sunday, April 02, 2006

Days 43 & 44 - Milk monitors

MILLIE is being slowly allowed to have milk again.

She began with 1ml every four hours late on Saturday (1 April).

When mummy arrived on Sunday, Millie was being fed 5ml (a teaspoon) every four hours.

This will continue until Wednesday (5 April) - a fortnight since Millie first became poorly.

During this time, she is being monitored closely to make sure her tummy can cope. If it cannot, the doctors will stop her milk.

Millie seems almost back to her normal self, but she gets very upset not being fed more milk more frequently.

The doctors hope she will go back on mummy's breast after Tuesday.

Mummy can't wait, because it has been hard to stop feeding Millie who is so obviously hungry.

Millie still needs to be fed on a drip until she can tolerate full feeds of milk.

But she still has no long-line because of the blood infection.

Because of this, the drip is fed into her veins just below the skin.

This is not ideal, because the feed is concentrated and will burn her skin from the inside if not flushed through thoroughly.

Millie has two of these burn marks - one on her left leg and one on her right wrist.

To reduce the chance of this happening, the doctors change the canulas regularly, but Millie has had so many that they are running out of new sites.

As she kicks so strongly, mummy has had to put blankets around her so Millie can't bash the canulas against the inside of the incubator.

She is, however, putting on weight.

She gained 45 grammes (almost two ounces) over the weekend and now weighs about 1.960kg (4lbs 5 ounces).


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