Day 42 - Millie on the mend

She is getting better and is more wriggly than ever.
She is also opening her eyes much more and fixes mummy in her gaze when she is cuddled.
When daddy cuddles Millie she cries, so he quickly hands her back to mummy again.
The doctors believe they now know the cause of Millie's infection.
They have found staphylococcus bacteria in her blood which indicates that the infection was almost certainly caused by the long-line.
But the antibiotics appear to be working and Millie will no longer have to have a lumbar puncture test or a brain scan.

As expected, this means she has lost weight.
She now weighs 1.940kg having lost 140 grammes over the past 24 hours.
There is, however, some concern that Millie may only have one kidney.
She had an abdominal scan today and three sonographers - the people carrying out the scan - were unable to identify a right kidney.
This is the second time Millie has one of these scans and the second time they have been unable to see two kidneys.
The doctors will check again before she leaves hospital.
They say shouldn't it be too much of a problem if it turns out she does only have one kidney.

And daddy thinks that being born with only one leg, for example, would be much worse.
Unless, of course, she wants to grow up to be a pirate.
In the grand scheme of things, we're just happy that Millie is on the mend.
Have been logging on regularly to keep an eye on Millie's progress and am pleased to see that she is on the mend. Wishing her a speedy recovery and sending her, Mummy and Daddy lots of love. Thinking of you all LOTS!!!
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