Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Day 60 - First day at home

WELL, we have survived our first day at home with Millie unscathed.

She seems to be settling in and seems to be enjoying herself.

Mummy and daddy have a few minor worries, but these are most likely due to never having experienced anything like this before.

They mainly revolve around things like is she too hot or too cold? Is she still breathing? How much breast milk has she has had?

Over the coming days, we know we will stop checking Millie every five minutes. Or at least we certainly hope we will.

Not having the immediate safety-net of the staff at the Special Care Baby Unit can be a little daunting at times.

But although being on our own as a family will take some getting used to, neither mummy nor daddy miss the daily drive to the hospital.

We would like to thank everyone for the messages we have received since welcoming Millie home.

We can't reply directly to comments on the site as it doesn't tell us your email addresses, but a Big Thankyou to everyone.

We will continue to update Millie's Milestones - for the time being at least.

The next milestone will be a visit from the health visitor on Wednesday (19 April) and a check-up at the hospital on Friday (21 April).

We've no pictures today, but daddy will try to remember to take some tomorrow once we've all settled down properly.


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