Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Day 291 - Custard the giraffe

DADDY has just returned from visiting the hospital.

Mummy and Millie are bored from being stuck in the children's ward.

But Millie seems to be on the mend even though she is quiet and subdued.

She is still on oxygen, breathing it at a rate of about 1.5 litres per minute through a tube into her nostrils.

Ideally, the oxygen saturation level in her blood should be 99-100%. Yesterday it was about 90%.

The oxygen makes breathing easier and has increased Millie's saturation level to 94%.

As the level rises, the nurses gradually turn down the oxygen feed until Millie is again breathing normal air and her saturation level is 99-100% naturally.

This is a similar to the process used by the Special Care Baby Unit when Millie was a poorly month-old baby (see Day 35).

At the same time, Millie has an inhaler to help her wheeziness.

We're advised she will be in hospital for a few more days and already can't wait for her to come home.

Meanwhile, Millie is cuddling Custard the giraffe for comfort. He's one of her favourite toys and she likes to keep him company.


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