Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Friday, April 21, 2006

Day 63 - Hospital check-up

MILLIE had her check-up today.

The doctor seemed quite pleased with her progress.

She has gained another 65 grammes and now weighs 2.325kg (5lbs 2 ounces).

Millie's iron levels are low again, but at this stage the hospital says a blood transfusion is unnecessary.

Instead, the doctor prescribed some iron drops.

The iron is low because it never really recovered from the level it fell to when Millie was poorly and not being fed.

The drops could take up to six weeks to work.

But once the iron levels have risen they will hopefully not fall again.

In the meantime, Millie will have another check-up at the hospital next Friday (28 April).

This afternoon, Linda came to visit on her way to Norwich from France.

Mummy and daddy and Millie picked her up from the airport.

Linda and Millie had their first cuddle together.

While they chatted, daddy baked one of his famous chocolate cakes.

Then everyone had a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Except Millie who had milk.

Daddy will reveal the cake recipe in the next Millie's Milestones.


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