Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day 292 - All that noise, all that sound

WITH a little bit of luck, Millie will be home tomorrow.

But past experience tells us babies can go backwards very fast, so she may stay in hospital.

Even so, Millie had a better night last night, sleeping for four hours.

Her oxygen supply was reduced to one litre per minute this morning.

By late this afternoon, Millie was off the oxygen altogether. But she was showing signs of needing it again by 9pm this evening.

The nurses on the children's ward refer to the late night and early morning as the "witching hour".

It's not strictly an hour, but it is when poorly babies tend to be at their worst.

As far as daddy is concerned, however, there is little point in Millie staying in hospital much longer.

She can't have oxygen at home, but she can have peace and quiet.

Millie certainly isn't getting much of this in the children's ward. It can be hectic, noisy and the unfamiliar routine is tiring.

Plus there is the risk that she could catch something worse than she already has from the other poorly children.

Doctor Daddy prescribes lots of rest but Millie is still managing to play with her toys.

This evening she fell asleep cuddling her pink rabbit while sucking its long floppy ears.


At 12:06 PM, Blogger December 2006 said...

Glad Millie is on the mend. Love keeping tabs on her progress on the blog site - even though I am rubbish at keeping in touch I still check on you all from time to time! Speak to you all very soon, Lots of love Mary xxx


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