Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Sunday, May 28, 2006

Millie - The first 100 days

Today is the 100th day since Millie was born. To celebrate, daddy has put together some photos so you can see how much she has progressed.

You can click on the pictures for bigger versions.

Week 14

Week 13

Week 12

Week 11

Week Ten

Week Nine

Week Eight

Week Seven

Week Six (bowel infection)

Week Five

Week Four

Week Three

Week Two

Week One

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, May 25, 2006

Day 97 - Nearly smiling

MILLIE seems to be growing visibly daily.

Her iron levels have improved and she is no longer anaemic.

Her cradle cap is much improved too.

She is almost smiling - nearly but not quite.

Sometimes we see a hint of a smile, but Millie seems to decide against it at the last moment!

Mummy and Millie have started baby massage classes which daddy thinks sounds a bit 'new age'.

Millie seems to enjoy it and massage is apparently a good way to 'bond with your baby'.

Daddy prefers giving Millie eskimo kisses, pulling silly faces and blowing raspberries.

She seems to enjoy this too.

Today, Millie went to the Health Visitor for her weekly check-up.

She weighs 3.5kg, which is 7lbs 11ounces - very good indeed.

A series of of rainy days means we have been unable to go for any walks so far this week.

But Millie keeps looking towards the window as if she wants to go outside.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 90 - Millie's Map

DADDY is feeling rather tired this evening.

He ordered a special map from the Ordnance Survey.

It is called Millie's Map and shows all the footpaths around her home.

The map arrived today and Millie seems to have recovered from her vaccinations.

So this afternoon, she, mummy and daddy put the map to good use.

Together they walked to the next village down Pater Noster lane and back through the wheat and bean fields.

Only Millie didn't walk because she was strapped to daddy's chest in a baby carrier.

She enjoyed it so much she slept most of the way.

The walk was only about three miles but daddy (who drives a desk for a living and doesn't do much exercise) was worn out by the end.

Goodness knows what Millie will be like when she weighs a bit more!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Day 89 - A bit subdued

MILLIE had her second bout of vaccinations yesterday.

The vaccinations - by injection in each of her thighs - were for various nasty diseases.

They include diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and hib (which is something known as haemophilus influenzae type b).

She is a bit subdued and grumpy, as is to be expected.

You can read about the immunisations by clicking here.

But there is good news.

Millie now weighs 2.18kg (7lbs) - a good weight comparable to a full-term baby.

This is a lot, considering she weighed 1.29kg (less than 3lbs) when she was born.

We took Millie to the doctors' surgery today for a check-up.

When we arrived, the receptionists gathered round and admired her, coo-ing and clucking in a pleasant kind of way and asking how old she was.

Rather than answering, daddy asked them to guess.

They all thought she was only a few days to a week old and were quite amazed when we told her she was three months.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, May 11, 2006

Day 83 - A new sunhat

Day 83 - A new sunhat
Day 83 - A new sunhat,
originally uploaded by Johann Tasker.

Another mobile phone pic 'n' post. It is hot today so Millie is in her sun hat. We keep trying to take pics outside but she isnt keen due it being too bright!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day 82 - Hungry Millie

hungry millie
Originally uploaded by Mummy.

Here's Millie, straight out of the bath getting ready for bed.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Day 82 - Thoroughly modern Millie!

Day 82 - How cool is this?!
Originally uploaded by JohannTasker.

We are really excited because we can now update Millie's Milestones without a computer. This photo and message were posted using only a mobile phone. This should be fun whenever Millie is out and about or on her way to France or Lincolnshire as we can update the site while we are on the road! Superb!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Day 82 - Chubby cheeks

Millie went to the health visitor again yesterday.

She now weighs 2.880kg (6lbs 6 ounces), which is quite amazing.

It fits exactly with a trend chart drawn up by daddy on 25 April.

Millie's chubby cheeks are growing and so is her double chin.

It's a far cry from the day she was born when she had virtually no body fat at all.

Using our trend chart we expect Millie to reach the 7lb milestone on 19 May.

Today, Millie is going to the hospital to have her iron levels checked again.

This is a routine visit, and we're hoping her iron levels will have risen a bit more.

Meanwhile, the sleepless nights continue.

We had a rare good night last night, and were woken only twice for feeds.

Usually it is a case of not getting much sleep at all due to crying.

It's hard work, but Millie is definitely worth it!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 76 - Nocturnal baby

She sleeps all day and wakes all night.

Which is rather frustrating but hard to get angry about.

Mummy and daddy are both tired.

The testing time is about 8pm each evening.

Sometimes Millie settles down to sleep, mostly she just refuses.

But crying is still a good thing - especially as many times in hospital we wondered whether Millie would ever cry at all.

She continues to put on weight and judging by her double chin and chubby cheeks must be more than 6lbs by now.

After her first two weeks at home, we feel Millie is settled enought to be a little more adventurous.

Mummy has now introduced her to the delights of walks around the village.

Millie has also paid her first visit to Tesco and the Co-op.

Daddy has bought a new camera to take some better photos of Millie.

This is especially good as Millie enjoys the warmer and lighter evenings.

She has a "knowing look" in her eye now and sometimes we think she has the hint of a smile.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Monday, May 01, 2006

Day 73 - Girls together

MILLIE has made her first visit to Lincolnshire.

She entered the county for the first time at 1529hrs on Saturday (29 April).

The sun was shining so it was somewhat surprising there were no crowds lining the northbound carriageway of the A1.

But everyone was pleased to see her when she reached Sleaford.

Her cousins Beth and Florence seemed bemused by their new friend.

Beth thinks "she's cute", while Florence just says "Bay-bee".

Although on her best behaviour, Millie still managed to have a couple of restless nights.

Daddy was so tired on the second night that he slept right though and woke up not realising Mummy and Millie had been up most of the time.

We'll be arriving back in Essex later on Monday (1 May).

When daddy has time he will upload some more photos.

But he thought everyone would like to see the one of the three girls together.

It was taken in a wheelbarrow at Florence and Beth's new house being built in Heckington.