Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Day 89 - A bit subdued

MILLIE had her second bout of vaccinations yesterday.

The vaccinations - by injection in each of her thighs - were for various nasty diseases.

They include diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and hib (which is something known as haemophilus influenzae type b).

She is a bit subdued and grumpy, as is to be expected.

You can read about the immunisations by clicking here.

But there is good news.

Millie now weighs 2.18kg (7lbs) - a good weight comparable to a full-term baby.

This is a lot, considering she weighed 1.29kg (less than 3lbs) when she was born.

We took Millie to the doctors' surgery today for a check-up.

When we arrived, the receptionists gathered round and admired her, coo-ing and clucking in a pleasant kind of way and asking how old she was.

Rather than answering, daddy asked them to guess.

They all thought she was only a few days to a week old and were quite amazed when we told her she was three months.


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