Day 243 - Eight months old

Millie is eight months old today.
She's recovering from what appeared to be a bit of a wheezy cold, which was diagnosed as mild bronchiolitis.

This has almost past now, having caused us some worries and a visit to hospital to get it checked out.
Overall, however, Millie is doing really well.
As you can see from the picture, she spends much longer looking around when on her front.
She's taking an increasing interest in the world around her - including trying to talk, or at least gurgle, to Harry the cat.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Day 230 - First high-chair feed

Millie's high-chair arrived today.
Following all of mummy's baby-related purchases since Millie was born, daddy is now an expert in self-assembly furniture.
So he was able to put together the high-chair in record time.

This evening, Millie had her first meal sitting up at 'grown-up' level.
She was very happy with her new-found height and ate all her rice pudding with pureed apple.
Now all daddy has to learn is how to fold up the chair after each meal.
In time-honoured DIY tradition, it's much harder than the instructions make it appear.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Day 227 - Two more pictures

HERE are two more pictures.
Millie now weighs 13lbs 5oz - and is making healthy progress along the 9th centile.
Smiles and laughs are much more frequent, especially when she sees herself in a mirror.

We're really pleased, although we realise many people think she is small for a 7 1/2 month old baby!
Her hair is growing, but the colour it will be is still up for debate.
And despite mummy checking every day, Millie still has no teeth.